Meeting at the Town Hall – Wednesday, April 6 at 5:30PM
1341 Diane Avenue, Belleville

Meeting at the Town Hall – Wednesday, April 6 at 5:30PM
1341 Diane Avenue, Belleville
Spring Election Notices Type B Notice and Sample Ballots
Montrose Needs Poll Workers for the April 5, 2022 Spring Election
If interested contact the clerk via email or phone (text or call). or 608-424-3848
The Dane County Library Service Bookmobile makes weekly stops in Paoli, parking at Paoli Park on Harrison Street every Tuesday from 2:30-3:15. A convenient way to browse, pick up holds, or return library items from us or any other local public library.
Library cards from the South Central Library System (covering libraries from Marshfield and Stevens Point to Broadhead and Monroe, as well as Madison, of course) are honored. We can also issue library cards if you don’t currently have one.
Stop by for more information and see what we can do for you!