NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Town Caucus will be held in the Town of Montrose for the purpose of nominating candidates to appear on the spring election ballot for the below listed offices on Saturday, January 18, 2025 at 1:00pm at the Town of Montrose Hall at 1341 Dianne Avenue, Belleville, Wisconsin.
Office Incumbent
Town Chairperson Roger C. Hodel
Town First Supervisor Randle Francois
Town Second Supervisor Daniel P. Palmer
Town Constable John J. Everson
The purpose of the Town Caucus is to nominate candidates for town offices to appear on the spring election ballot. At this time, Randy Francois, Dan Palmer, and Jack Everson will not seek to accept nominations for re-election.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that at an election to be held in the Town of Montrose on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, to elect the incumbents to succeed the above listed offices. All offices are for two-year terms.
Jennifer Armstrong
Town of Montrose Clerk
The TOWN OF MONTROSE IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. Efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through appropriate aids and services upon reasonable notice. For additional information or to request this service, contact the Town of Montrose, 1341 Diane Avenue, Belleville WI 53508, (608)424-3848 by the Friday prior to meeting.
Uploaded to townofmontrose.com on December 31, 2024 Posted at Montrose Town Hall and Paoli Park December 31, 2024.